Dr. Augustine N. Peters Ministry
Dr. Augustine N. Peters Ministry is a charitable ministry that was founded in 1935 by Bishop Dr. Augustine N. Peters (see Heritage below), and this charitable ministry has continued in the vision of providing Food, Clothing, Shelter, Education, Leper Colony / Hospital Services & Support, Children’s & Women’s Services & Support, Mission School, Singles & Marriage Enrichment, Street & Music Ministry, Sunday School Ministry, Tracts, Gospel, & Bible Translation & Distribution, Preaching, Teaching & Seminars, Church Leadership Training, Medical Support, Evangelistic Ministries, and Church Planting. We are doing this work in areas where people find it difficult to obtain/benefit from it, because of their geographic location, segregation, lack of key resources, economics, or some other severe condition.
Bishop Dr. Augustine N. Peters, is remembered by thousands globally as the most humble, loving, and charitable Asian Indian pioneer Christian missionary, who led over 1 million people to the LORD; ordained several thousand pastors; planted 33 churches in interior and un-engaged communities; and through whom several hundred ministries were established globally. After Bishop Dr. Augustine Peters passed on to Glory, his only son Pastor Samuel Peters who worked in ministry and several interior parts of India, is continuing this ministry.

Samuel served in the US Military and did his engineering degree in Missouri. For 20+ years he has been working in the Instrumentation and Systems Engineering profession, while also actively involved in ministry in the USA, India, and he has been a missionary to Guatemala, India, and West Africa. He was a Pastor for five years in Missouri, USA; a full-time missionary in India for two years; a songwriter; musician; Bible Scholar, Christian Counselor; supports several churches with his talents; and active in a some Outreach Services/Ministries in and outside the USA. His main vision is Street Evangelism and taking the Gospel to the unreached people groups globally, especially in India and Africa. Please earnestly pray for this ministry.
Samuel and his wife Sarah are continuing in the heritage and vision of Bishop Dr. Augustine Peters ain preaching, teaching, doing missions ministry and outreach, and conducting seminars and workshops on Soul Winning, Street Evangelism, Global Missions, Local Missions, Spiritual Warfare, Breaking Addictions, Sunday School Ministry, Bible Study, Internet Evangelism, Prison Ministry, Church Government, Evangelism in the Work Place, Marriage Enrichment, Personal Development, and other Practical Helps for young and older people in the USA, India, and Western Africa. To see highlights of our recent mission trip CLICK HERE
A Message by Dr. Samuel Peters in Asia, July 2010
Get in-touch
To Know More or To Get Involved in ANY one of our Ministries To Find Out how you can partner in bringing the unreached and non-Christians to the saving knowledge of CHRIST, in or outside the USA; or To Go on a Mission-Trip to the Middle-East, India, Nepal, Africa, Guyana, Canada, or the USA, please
Email: ANPministry@gmail.com
Phone: (571) 281-4914 or (703) 861-9893
Write: ANP Ministry, Post Box 11244, Manassas, VA 20113, USA