Because the benefits of salvation are eternal and its sourrounding life experience from the moment of accepting JESUS as Savior (salvation/saved) which is/are benefited gradually but cumulatively everyday after salvation, and salvation’s enormous/eternal benefits are at the end of the saved person’s life, less than 15% of the total world’s population 2000 years after JESUS gave it to us to share to others, have ever heard, known, tasted, experienced, benefited, and/or shared it to many more people on earth. In the contrary Cocoa Cola which is less than 100 years old has reached over 85% of the world population even though it has no eternal benefits except for its instant (seconds-lasting) pleasure and a maximum of 150 years of financial benefits for less than 0.01% of the world’s population.
We have been given GOD’s power, instruction, unction, help, resources, and presence to go/be with us when we lead and disciple anyone, anywhere on earth, in/to the saving knowledge of JESUS.
So, when you and I have the world’s best thing, Salvation,
Why are we unwilling, careless, un-committed, and selfish to make it more easily available and communicated to all our family, in-laws, friends, class-mates, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, strangers, and rest of the world?
Instead, according to GOD’s will, blessing, and providence, let us commit AND join in prayer, heart, passion, focus, AND vision AND take the Gospel of JESUS (salvation) to all our family, in-laws, friends, class-mates, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, strangers, and entire world.
Below you will see very astounding statistics that will make it more clear and practical, as to where globally, salvation / evangelization is critically needed.

Get in-touch
To Know More or To Get Involved in ANY one of our Ministries To Find Out how you can partner in bringing the unreached and non-Christians to the saving knowledge of CHRIST, in or outside the USA; or To Go on a Mission-Trip to the Middle-East, India, Nepal, Africa, Guyana, Canada, or the USA, please
Phone: (571) 281-4914 or (703) 861-9893
Write: ANP Ministry, Post Box 11244, Manassas, VA 20113, USA